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Life in the Sixth Form

Queens’ Sixth Form is a vibrant, caring and exciting community. As well as our outstanding academic opportunities, students have a broad range of super-curricular and extra-curricular activities to participate in.  Student leadership is extremely important to us and all Sixth Formers play a full role in the life of the school. There are a varied and wide range of leadership roles which meet the needs and interests of our Sixth Form students. To read more about student leadership roles and responsibilities, please click here.

To prepare our students for life post-18, we cultivate their academic interests whilst providing opportunities for physical education, enrichment, sustained contact with universities, student volunteering and leadership. We also extend their understanding of the wider world through our weekly Face the Future programme, which includes a range of guest speakers and a diverse array of topics. Underpinning this is our Lifelong Learning curriculum, which is delivered to Year 12 and Year 13 and focuses on our PSHE and RSE themes, along with study skills and post-18 career advice.

Our excellent facilities have been recently renovated to include a study centre with co-working and silent study spaces, a dedicated Sixth Form cafe, as well as priority access to the well resourced library.