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Development Fund

What is the Development Fund?

Students who join Queens’ School are privileged to join a school where they benefit from dedicated staff and successful outcomes.

However, as you are no doubt aware, school budgets are being increasingly squeezed. To maintain and build on our provision, there is a need for regular financial support from ALL parents and carers.

At Queens’ we have set up The Development Fund for this purpose. All of the money that you donate will help to provide and improve facilities and opportunities for the students at Queens’ School. The fund will be used for the things that the school may not otherwise be able to afford in the current funding climate.

The consistency and generosity of regular contributions by parents and carers is important to our success so we thank you in advance for your support.

Is it compulsory for me to contribute to the Fund?

No – it is completely voluntary.

We are sensitive to the pressures on families in challenging financial circumstances and we respect that a contribution at this time might not be possible.

However, our goal is for the majority of families to make a contribution, no matter how small, so that every pupil can enjoy the opportunities that a healthy fund can offer.

I have more than one child at the school - do I contribute per child?

Ideally, we would like you to contribute to the fund per child as every contribution will directly benefit each child

If I don’t contribute, will this have any impact on my child’s progress at school?

Absolutely not.

The Development Fund is purely used to enhance the school’s facilities and has no impact on the quality of education provided at the school. All children are treated equally, irrespective of whether, or how much their parents contribute.

How much am I expected to give?

As it is voluntary we do not ask for a set amount. However, we would like to ask for £10 - £30 per month, per child, although of course you can donate more or less than this.

If a family donates £30 per month this equates to only £1 a day and will make a huge difference.

Can I pay a different amount each month or each year?

Yes – as we do not set an amount you can pay any amount, at any time, at any frequency. We are very grateful to receive any amount at any point.

Who will know if I have donated and how much?

Please be assured that donations are kept in strict confidence and only the Accounts and Fundraising team have access to the Fund’s accounts.

What will my donations be spent on?

At the moment we are looking to raise funds for another covered area, this time on North Side. This will benefit students at lunchtime and breaktime, giving them shelter from the rain and sun and a place to sit.

The amount required is £59,000 and at this stage we are unfortunately very far from this target.

We are asking parents to make contributions to The Development Fund so that this target can be reached to allow us to start building this in the next academic year.

Here are what some students have said, as to why they would like to have another canopy and why we ask you to please donate!

“There’s no way the current space is big enough! It’s really horrible to be out in the rain in winter”

“You have to rush to get a table in the dry”

“Nice to also have shade when it’s really sunny. Would be great to have more tables to sit and socialise with my friends”

“Even if its nice weather, I don’t always want to eat my lunch sitting on the ground”

Once we have raised this final amount we can then seek views/ ideas for the next project.

What have previous donations to The Development Fund been spent on?
  • A canopy and tables next to the Southside canteen which has created an outside eating area.
  • 3 new Minibuses.
  • IT Equipment in the new Maths block.
  • Picnic benches outside the Sixth Form Common Room
How do I make a contribution?

There are two ways you can contribute:

  1. Make a regular contribution by setting up a Standing Order – You can set this up with your bank or on your banking app using the following details:

Bank: Lloyds Bank

Sort code: 30 99 21

Account number: 79798168

Name: Queens’ School (Bushey)

Please use the full name and form of your youngest child who attends the School as a reference.

  1. Make a one-off or multiple ad hoc contributions through Wise Pay

          You can make one-off or multiple ad-hoc contributions by using your Wise Pay account and selecting                  the item The Development Fund and Project contributions. 

          (Please note Wisepay does not accept individual payments of less than £5)

I am a UK taxpayer – can I claim Gift Aid?

Yes you can!

If you are a UK tax payer you can claim Gift Aid on your contribution. Gift Aid increases the value of your donation by 25% because the school can reclaim the basic rate of tax on your gift – at no extra cost to you. Therefore, a monthly contribution of £10 means the School receives £12.50 which over a year, amounts to £150.

All you have to do is sign and date the Gift Aid Form attached to the bottom of this page.

Who do I contact with questions about The Development Fund?

If you have any further questions, or need any more information please email Francesca Dresner - Fundraising & Marketing Co-ordinator or our Accounts Team.



Last Year’s Project

Thank you to the Estates team for project managing the installation and a huge thank you to everyone who contributed to The Development Fund. You made this possible!