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Useful Websites for Options

There is also a wealth of information available online to help consider your choices. Click on the Icons to learn more.

Used in School, Unifrog allows students to search different careers linked to subject choices. 

You can take a quiz profile which helps explore careers and subjects

Watford Young People’s Centre - this is a free service where you can get advice and support from trained SfYP Advisers and Youth Workers. 

Careerpilot has a bespoke section for GCSE options. It has a wealth of information also for post-16 courses, qualifications and careers. 

UCAS  is extensively used in sixth form but has a wealth of information about GCSE options. 

The Student Room -Uni Guide aims to provide impartial advice to shape your next steps. It acknowledges that GCSEs are the first step in this process. There are currently 6 articles to help you on this site. 

Success at school provides lots of useful information and aims to empower and guide young individuals aged 13-19 in making well-informed decisions about their future pathways.

The National Careers Services is a UK Government funded service providing information, advice and guidance.

A useful guide for parents. It details information about the EBacc and GCSE choices.

The Prospects website has a really useful guide on different degrees and what jobs you can do with them. Whilst it might seem a long way off, having an awareness of different options available to you is important.